Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 10 am - Winter Meeting, Horticultural Center

John Scott - "Best of the West" - slides from the British Pteridological Society and the Hardy Fern Foundation trip in Washington State in July 2003.


Directions to the Horticultural Center, Fairmount Park

From the Schuylkill Expressway in Philadelphia: exit at Montgomery Drive [(driving south, it is the first exit after Roosevelt Blvd. [Route 1], turn right at the bottom of the ramp; driving north, it is the first exit after Girard Avenue, turn left at the bottom of the ramp).  Go west about 1/3 mile and turn left where a sign points to the Horticultural Center.  Go a block and turn left through the gates.  The Center is on the right and the entrance can be reached by the circular drive. Parking is on the street or in the parking lot directly across from the Center.




Saturday, April 24, 2004 - 10:00 AM, Saturday - White Clay Creek Preserve coordinator: Jack Schleber   < jaroma@voicenet.com >



Meet in the parking lot behind the Riddle Ale House on Rte 1 at the Granite Run Mall. From the Blue route 476 exit onto Route 1 south. Go 3.8 miles and the Riddle Ale House is on the right. It's 0.4 miles south of the intersection of Rte 352 with Rte 1.


From 1-95 from Philadelphia take exit 3A in Chester and turn right for Rte 322 west (north). Turn right again at Rte 452 north to Rte 1. Turn right again at Rte 1 and the Riddle Ale House is about 1/2 mi. on the left.




Saturday, May 22, 2004 - 10:30 AM - Sussex Branch Trail

coordinator: Otto Heck 



In north New Jersey from the intersection of 1-80 and route 206 (exit 25) go north for 7 miles through Andover. North of Andover is a traffic light at Limecrest Rd. The Sussex Branch Trail, marked by a large brown sign on the east side (on the right going north) is 0.3 miles beyond the traffic light.





Saturday, June 26, 2004  - 9:30 AM - Along the Susquehanna with Tim Draude

coordinator: Otto Heck  (908-996-2598)


             This trip must be limited in the number of cars. So carpooling is necessary as there is very limited parking at some of the stations (stops) along the way. Please call Otto if you plan to go and he will appreciate pre-planned carpooling in advance of the trip. Any unreserved car and occupant(s) that show up will be at the end of the car caravan, and there may not be parking available for you.  The vehicles in the front part of the caravan will be those who contacted Otto and have a filled vehicle. Also this trip will have more hiking and scrambling on the latter part of the day at Safe Harbor where we will see the limestone fern associates. Please be on time as Tim plans to show us some new species not seen on the last trip, such as Bradley’s spleenwort, Asplenium bradleyi, and Hybrid bladder fern Cystopteris Tennesseensis (a fertile hybrid between C. bulbifera and C. protrusa). For those who missed the last trip led by Tim on June 22, 2002, he will show us again Log fern, Dryopteris celsa, and its hybrid with Marginal shield fern D. marginalis --  D. × leedsii.

            Along the way we should see other Wood ferns, Spleenworts, Brittle ferns Lady Ferns, etc. At the serpentine station Western maidenhair, Adiantum aleuticum, will be featured along with Polypody, Hay scented and Christmas ferns. We will picnic at the Lock 12 Recreation area which, has picnic tables and restrooms. Afterwards, at this stop within walking distance, Tim will show us Lobed and Mountain spleenworts, along with its luxuriant sterile hybrid, Trudell’s spleenwort. Other ferns in the area are Rattlesnake, Blunt lobed Woodsia, Wood ferns, etc. Further on stops will be made to see Bradley’s spleenwort, Hybrid bladder fern (hybrid between C. bulbifera and C. protrusa). The last stop wilt involve some hiking and scrambling at Safe Harbor near Shenk's Ferry to see ferns associated with limestone and alkaline soils, i.e. American maidenhair, Walking fern, and Maidenhair spleenwort Silvery spleenwort, Glade fern, Goldie’s fern., Ostrich fern, Bladder fern and more. This will be a trip to savor and remember !  Bring a picnic lunch.




We meet at Susquehanna State Park at 9:30 AM. It’s about 1 - 1.25 hours below Philadelphia. Drive down I-95 to below Wilmington and get off exit 89 (Port Deposit), the first exit after crossing the Susquehanna River Bridge, Go west on Rte 156 then north to the Park. The entrance is on the right and we meet at the parking lot at the Old Mill.




Saturday, August 7, 2004  - 10 am  - Martha's Furnace with Ellen Wilen

coordinator: Ellen Wilen (609-859-8685)


Exactly where we go will depend on the weather and what’s blooming, Here we see the diminutive Curly grass fern. Be sure to call first. We may instead be meeting at the Red Lion Diner at Rte 70 and Rte 206.


Cancelled due to high water




In central New Jersey take route 70 east. At Four Mile Circle take route 72 east, Go 0.3 mile and turn left then right at the 1st turn. The office and parking is on the left. Toilets are available. It's about an hour from Philadelphia.




Saturday, September 25, 2004 Morris Arboretum with Dianne Smith

coordinator: Donna Wilhelm (215-843-7987); < donnawilhelm@gbronline.com >




A Victorian Fernery and hardy ferns among trees and flower gardens. Dianne is the primary caretaker and guiding light of the Fernery, a knowledgeable grower and propagator of ferns and a member of DVFWS. We will be her guests but donations to the Arboretum are appreciated. Usual adult admission is $8.




Saturday, October 23, 2004 - Mt. Cuba, Delaware

coordinator: Donna Wilhelm (215-843- 7987) < donnawilhelm@gbronline.com >


A “Noah’s ark” for endangered Piedmont species on a former Dupont estate. A two hour guided tour. Admission $5




Saturday, November 20, 2004 - Annual Meeting - Horticultural Center

Jim Montgomery on “Ferns & Fern Habitats in the United States”

It's not too early to mark your calendars now for our fall meeting. Dr. James Montgomery will be our featured speaker. Jim received his Ph. D. from Rutgers University, is both the author of and the authority on New Jersey Ferns and Fern Allies, and will present a slide program on Ferns and Fern Habitats of the United States. Don't miss this presentation. Dr. Montgomery will bring along copies of his book for you to purchase and get his autograph.



June 13 -17, 2004 - Bruce Peninsula
The Torrey/Philadelphia/Eastern Division botanical group will have their joint field meeting this year at one of our favorite places. They will have several expert field guides including Nels Mailer. If you’ve never been there this is a great opportunity. Space is limited. Contact Nan Williamsnnwrowe@aol.com

August 27-29, 2004 - Friday evening to Sunday at PEEC with Bill Olson


The Philadelphia Botanical Club is sponsoring Bill Olson’s instruction about ferns and fern allies in the Delaware Water Gap Recreation Area. Bill, a field botanist and member of DVFWS, will teach identification of the ferns, club mosses, quillworts and spike mosses in the Park. Travel will be by van to various areas. Fee includes two nights’ stay and Friday dinner to Sunday lunch. Contact PEEC for reservations (570-828-2319). Leader Bill Olsen, 732-961-1946 evenings; < bolson@maserconsulting.com >